I not repeat whole of story, but I trying to get revenge to samurai. He cutting flowers of my garden. I take photos of my man thing in milk bottle of his. I leave photo at his door of apartment for revenging to him. Unfortunate, but housewife woman who is neighbor of samurai get photos by my mistake. She scream and I running to home. But now she infatuate to me. Much, much problem.
On recent day I ask advice from Fluwten because I not ideas know what to do. I not enjoy attentions from ugly face housewife woman.
This times he give me to same advice as before times. He advice say to me is: “anal sex.” He not give detail so I assumption he mean I anal sex to housewife woman who infatuation to me. But she is disgust face housewife woman. If I see her body with not clothing, very sure I vomiting.
Everytime I having problem and asking to Fluwten, he proposal solution of sex in some person anus. Sometime that good advice but not for everytimes. When first I meeting Fluwten, I not know his advice everytime “anal sex.” So, first time I ask to him request advice I thinking of course sincerity advice from him. That first time problem situation was when have problem of taxes. In Japan, there exist tax deduction for purchase of uniform. If Japan persons must buying of uniform for job, they get discount of taxes. Of course, ninja is buying uniform so should get deduction of tax. Unfortunate, but tax office salaryman not agree and saying no deducation of tax. I go to office and explain of situation. But tax office salarymen disagree to me and says to deduction. I much, much angry and ask for him to explanation. He answer that ninja no need of uniform.
This is so stupid of comment I at first silent. Ninja must wearing black clothing which is uniform. If wearing business suit then cannot flexible move and cannot silent move. Ninja fight wearing salarymens clothes not possibility. I ask Fluwten for advice to me and he say ‘anal sex’. Of course I perfect not understand. Why sex in anus? How that help situation of tax. So I ask to him again and he say same answer of anal sex. He promising that is answer.
Next day I go back to tax office salaryman for more discussion. At first, tax office salaryman not desire to talking to me. He say our discuss time is finish. But I am persist and having meeting with him. I starting to arguing about tax law points again but he not listen. He say we have same discuss before and not need to talk same points. He try to making me to leave. I getting angry which is rare occasion for me. Then he trying to push me out of office because I stubborn to him and not leaving. I push back to him and say very loud fashion: “anal sex!” People in office stop all motion in instantly and looking at me. I realize situation and sprinting out of office. Situation is much much embarrass. That day is discover one of piece of wisdom: anal sex not solution in tax office problem.
Now I still having housewife womens problem and anal sex not solution. While I type this, she call to me house three time maybe because Valentine's Day of Romance some soon. First time I answer and she explain who is she and I hanging up phone. Then she call again two time. I need solve problem that not involve my man thing in her anus. Much, much difficulty problem…