1. Fighting spirit (no give up)
2. Not have shame of rejection
3. Brain has not stable character
4. Strong desiring for have sex
These characteristic things are much challenge to defeat, even for ninja like me. I spend much time to try success with womens and almost time fail. This time success much easily but doing with Hiroko I have not desire for penis enjoy time. If I penis enjoy time with her, I thinking I must seppuku for honor of family and ninja tradition. Ninja tradition say penis enjoy time is not problem if not at working time and not with ugly of womens. No fat chick for ninja. To doing penis enjoy time with not beautiful womens is dishonor of ninja. Samurai tradition of course different. Samurai honor lower level honor than of ninja. Samurai sleeping with any womens, at any times. For example, here:

Maybe this women too much beautiful for samurai. Samurai of Japan have ugly of face and not honor and not fighting skill like ninja. And not good dancing like ninja. Ninja dance technique much, much excellent.
I spend much time thinking strategy of escape from Hiroko. To keep hide forever not possible because consuming much time. I must make self not attractive for Hiroko. Or make Hiroko attract to others person. Much, much difficult...