The reunion place is at old high school. The start time is 6:00 p.m. I show up at 5:30 but I nervous so I use ninja stealth technique for to hide. I hiding place in shrub near entrance. From hiding place I watching old classmate entrance to building. Some people I recognize but many people not. About 5:50 one woman enter building who I remember from before time. Her name is Tomomi. In high school she average girl - not spectacular at sport or study or attractive. But now she spectacular at very important thing - bust! Her bust looking like try to explode from shirt like bloom of flower in spring. Her face still not so special thing but with amaze bust that not important thing. My heart beat increase pace and loin become much energies. I having strong desire then to talking to her but not possible at such moment. I must trying to talking with her later.
After 6:00 no one else entrance to high school (Japan very punctual peoples) . I gather to my courage and enter to high school. Inside is register desk. At desk is two before teachers. They teach me when I was in high school but they not remember me. After registration I go to gymnasium where people meeting and chatting. I looking around and seeing peoples chatting. I not outgoing type of people so I just getting drink and standing and watching. When I watching I see Tomomi in middle of room. She is chat with some mens. These mens are obvious attract to her bust. I concentrate on Tomomi when I hear "Hello Shinichi." I turn and look and it is Hiroko. Hiroko is neighbour disgust women who is infatuate with me. I very shock. This not good kind of shock (for example one time when women stick her finger into my anus hole) - this is much bad type of shock. I look at Hiroko face and cannot speaking words. Her face so ugly it kill my voice. Now I convince she definite stalking to me. I getting back voice and tell her to leaving me alone. She start get angry face and I worry. Maybe she become unbalance brain stalker and carry knife. I must be carefully. I finish to drink my drink and walk away from her. I walk to other side of gymnasium for escape from her. I look behind and she follow me so I start walk much faster. I look behind again and she continue to follow me. I walk faster but because I not watching in front place there is disaster accident. I walking quickly and hit into big breast Tomomi. She falling down and I falling down too. For short moment I dizzy but then again gain normal sense. I notice I in unusual but advantage position: I on top of Tomomi who is pass out from collision. Then I notice position of my face is in valley of her bust. Unfortunate I only have moment for enjoy this experience because peoples pull me off of Tomomi and try to waking her up. I sitting of gymnasium floor and watching Tomomi. Even though her brain not conscious her bust still conscious. It is much beautiful like landscape of Nagano.

So this day, Hiroko becoming much angry with me and I thinking still stalk to me. Also, I enduring much much shame in town because I fall into Tomomi and she receive injure. Image of clumsy ninja also bring shame to ninja friends. But I also experience of my face in bust of Tomomi for short time. I think score for day is tie.