Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Hello. Today I writing about problem of ninja part time job.
These day not so many job for ninja being available. Economy of Japan be not so strong and many people not settling problems by request for ninja to attacking enemy. Many ninja suffer problem of economy and difficult paying of bills. Also, ninja union now not so strong so cannot get raise increase salary for ninja attack. Result is some ninja taking outside job to getting extra money to pay for foods, house moneys, Playstation 3 (much expensive!) massage by young womens etcetera. Of cource ninja have high level of pride and honor, so part time outside job much difficult things for to do. But, if ninja not having enough of moneys, there exist few choice. Some of my ninja coworker in same town now doing part time job. Three persons working together as gardening team. Someone call them and asking for "ninja gardener attack" and three ninjas soon arriving and attacking overgrow plants with ninja weapons. This gardening much accuracy and much speed. It has small benefit to ninja because they practice ninja technique and make of salary. Practice ninja technique on shrub not same as attack to samurai but any practice is benefit.
I have another ninja friend who working in hospital. In Japan hospitals are much busy place and doctor peoples and nurse peoples not having enough of time for to do everything. So now hospitals managers trying ways to improve maximum efficient of hospital. They thinking new way to doing things and result is my friend work in maternity ward in hospital in Osaka. After when babies born hospital many things must do: check weight, temperature etc of baby and also check to health of mother. When baby soon to be born at hospital, doctor calling to my ninja friend. He put on ninja clothing and gathering ninja weapons and fast commute to hospital. After baby is born, ninja use ninja training and grab sword and circumcise to baby. Cut off end part of baby penis is much important thing and my friend never mistake because excellence ninja training. However, sometime baby mother not appreciating ninja attack to baby penis.