In Japan tradition there exist no Christmas. But foreign culture bring many of things to Japan for example the Christmas, chocolate, foreign women, atom bomb and etc. Many people of Japan feel happiness about many foreign items in Japan. I not feel so happiness because Japan traditional things best for Japan. But I no angry.
In Japan the Christmas is not same as the Christmas of foreign peoples. We have no custom of large bird like turkey. In Japan oven not so big so no possibility for cook it. We also not give present to all peoples. Only some of children get present on Christmas in Japan. Sometime Japan salaryman give himself present of young girl but that not special thing to Christmas. That happening all of year.
Santa in Japan also not display in public siutation like in picture below. Japan Santa not have courage of penis like foreign Santa. Japan peoples very shy.

Also the foreign Christmas have tradition of mistletoe. If mistletoe hang up of you, you okay to kiss girl. In Japan no possibilty for this. Kiss girl in Japan not easy except of payment girls. But I not enjoy payment girls because of honor of ninja. To ninja honor and duty much importance. Unfortunate but honor and duty not helping to meet girls. Sometime ninja lonely because this. Sorry for make post sad and not full happiness but true maybe more importance.
Thank you for reading of my posting. Please to meet you.