Japan womens not have such magnitude chest usually so not such effect of Japan mens. Sometime Japan womens have high-ranking capacity of bosom but rare and mimicry of foreigns chest by transplant by silicones.
I not have personally experience with womens of outsized bust. One times in high school I have chance but miss. Our class go to Kyoto ancient city of Japan for classes’ field trip. In class is one student name Hana. She rare Japan girls with abundancy of breast. On seconds day of field trip I walking around Kinkakuji (Japan famous temple coat in gold) and noticing Hana is not close to others students.

Anyway, returning topic to foreign womens bust. There exist many of foreign womens with gigantic bust. I much want to experiencing amusement time with such womens. But for ninja, much small possibility. Ninja life is life of secret to attack enemy and defense of enemy. Chance for romance encounter with foreign womens not much. Sometime when ninja meeting at izakaya (pub of Japan) there complaining of life of ninja because not so much convenience. But sometime I hoping for chance to travel to foreigns country and meeting with flabbergast bust. If I success, much, much enjoy.