However, sometime I get photo from Fluwten that give much joy for me. One time example is this photo of famous women Lindsay Lohan. This foreign women I like much.

When I looking at photo cannot concentrating on other things. If in ninja battle and enemy ninja show picture of Lindsay Lohan I defeated in instantly. Much dangerous photo for time of ninja battle, but in house not problem. In photo I understand Lindsay character much easily. She has intelligent and kind and beauty of old time lady similar with Audrey Hepburn.
I tell Fluwten about feelings of Lindsay Lohan and he very laughing. I much upset, but friend so not ninja attack. Then next day he send me photo of Lindsay Lohan with not wear underwear and camera angle in advantage position. In photo has possible to see her specialty place for enjoy penis entry. When I first see photo I shock. I not imagine to see such photo of Lindsay Lohan. To being honest, I disappoint in photo. I imagine her womens enjoy place is fantastically spot with sparkle and rainbow similar disco lighting. But it not. In photo I see her womens enjoy place look like some piece of hams hang in meat shop. Not much sexy. Much, much disappoint.