I go to store of grocery today. Unfortunate, but today is large day of sale. Store of grocery become gather place of oni baba. I need to shopping today so cannot postpone. I run out of powder cleaner for clothes. Ninja clothes have much smells so must buy powder and wash. Stink ninja not stealth ninja.
I enter store of grocery and vision complete with scene of hell. Store of grocery fill with oni baba. There much noise and confuse . To location of powder cleaner difficult task. After ten minutes of push oni baba I reaching location. I taking powder box from shelf but then huge problem. I take powder box in hand and soon one of oni baba grabbing same box. I surprise but not let go. Oni baba instant become anger to me. She say to me I taking her powder cleaner. Of course, not yet payment so not hers. Also, I grab early than her so buying chance go to me. But oni baba and logic discuss no meaning. Oni baba only care save tiny money. This oni baba try grab box away from me. Unfortunate for her, I have fighting spirit even small things like powder cleaner. I not give up to powder cleaner. Oni baba grab increase strength and I return. Final, oni baba lose of grip. She instant become get anger of dragon. She grab other item locate on shelf and throw to me. Of course, my ninja reflex block attack. Oni baba become get anger of anger dragon. More danger now. Oni baba grab two of items locate on shelf. She try double hand throw to face of me. Of course, I moving so miss. Unfortunate, but items travel to face of other oni baba behind of me. At now, #2 oni baba angry to #1 oni baba. I in middle much unlucky location. #2 oni baba trying to hit #1 oni baba with fists. #1 oni baba trying counterattack by another item throw. Of course, hit oni baba #3.
Soon, store of grocery become field for battle similar Sekigahara. I making quick move to women of cashier and payment and return to home. Same night I watching news. Many oni baba in store of grocery battle become big story and police arrival and arrest. Oni baba is much, much danger. If you see, carefully please.